Volunteer Opportunities
Keystone’s success depends largely in part to the involvement of the community. Volunteers are extremely important to us and help us by serving on the Board of Directors, assisting with events and other projects, and by serving on committees. They also provide support for staff and assist in the agency’s prevention, intervention, and treatment programs.
Keystone often has internship opportunities. To inquire about these opportunities, please email us at lwright-teska@keystoneyork.org.
Keystone has several events throughout the year that you can get involved in (see News and Events tab). Please contact Melaina Maturo at (803) 324-1800 if you are interested in volunteering to help with a Keystone event, or email at mmaturo@keystoneyork.org.
Volunteer either personnel or other services. Donations may include supplies, tickets to events, monetary funds, etc. For more information about business/organization volunteering please email us at info@keystoneyork.org.
Opportunities are available for individuals representing schools, churches, civic groups, etc. who desire short-term community service hour fulfillment. Please email us at info@keystoneyork.org.
Opportunities are also available for individuals who are sanctioned by schools, courts or other programs to complete community service hours. Please contact Keystone for information on community service opportunities info@keystoneyork.org.