Student Assistance Program (SAP)
The Student Assistance Program is a team of people dedicated to keeping our youth healthy and drug free.
Keystone's Student Assistance Program
The Student Assistance Program is a team of people dedicated to keeping our youth healthy and drug free. They are there to help on all aspects of the continuum of care. They will be teaching an evidence-based drug free curriculum, that teaches student the importance of decision making, coping with feeling and the dangers of drugs and alcohol. Also, the counselors will provide support to students who may are suspected or known to have alcohol of drug related challenges. This program is in place to insure we aid students who may need help with substances, not to punish them. A student can be referred by the staff and faculty of their school, parents, other students, and themselves.
Keystone’s SAP Counselors
Each school district in York County has one SAP Counselor assigned to them. Look below see who is assigned to your school district and click on their picture in order to get their contact information.

Kaitlin Bayliff
York School District

Jamesha Massey
Rock Hill School District

Andrea' Plant
Clover School District

Robin Johnson
Fort Mill School District
How the Program Works
The student is referred to SAP.
The SAP will review the referral and determine how to proceed.
If the referral is due to a disciplinary action the SAP counselor will contact the parent or guardian, and plan to conduct a Screening with the student.
If it is NOT due to a disciplinary action, parent permission will be required to conduct the screening unless the student is 18 or older.
A Parent or legal guardian is contacted about the referral, a packet will be sent home and a meeting will be scheduled.
The student will complete a screening, with parent consent.
The SAP will review and contact the student and parent on recommendations.
The student/family begin the recommended intervention
3rd Mill intervention- Evidence-based online, Self-paced interventions for students experimenting or struggling with early on-set substance use
- Nicotine 101
- Under the influence
- Marijuana 101
- Other Drugs
- Respect & Resolve
- Conflict
One on One counseling sessions – The SAP may recommend the students meet with them on a regular basis.
Group counseling- The SAP may recommend that the student attend group counseling at Keystone Substance Abuse Services’ Youth Center. In the case the student and parents would be given information about attending those groups.
My child was Referred…
Your child has been referred to one of our SAP counselors. First thing is to take a deep breath, finding out your youth might be experimenting with substances can be shocking, but do not worry we are here to help you and your family though this.
Depending on the reason for the referral depends on the path your student will take. However, no matter what you will be contacted by your districts SAP counselor. Your student will have paperwork sent home with them or sent to their online school system. Please read over this paperwork if your student is under 16 you will need to sign a consent form that allows our counselor to speak with the student and start to conduct one on one sessions. Note: this does not go into the students’ academic records and should have no effect on scholarships or college. The only time this information would be added to the students’ records would be if they are sent to the SAP to satisfy a disciplinary action. (Ex. If the student is caught vaping, the punishment might be ISS and a Nicotine 101 class.) The completion of the class to satisfy the disciplinary action would be recorded.
Refer a Student
To refer a student to the SAP Program, fill out the form below.
Request a Presentation
To request a presentation as part of the SAP Program, fill out the form below.